Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Timing the Decisive Moment

When taking a picture, timing is a very large element. If it is a photo of a moving subject you want to capture it in an action where it will make the photo "exciting". An animal jumping or a human taking action can add a lot of quality to the photo. If you are taking a picture of a sport you need to take the photo when something is happening, i.e. a basketball player going in for a dunk, or a slap shot in hockey. = bird taking off = lizard

By: Tylyr L, and Dawson B


Center of Interest

The center of interest is the point in a photo where your eye is automatically drawn to. It is the focus of the picture and is where the photographer wants you to look. This can be reflected or presented by using objects that stand out or making a strong foreground next to an expanding background. = house = a look through bolt down railroad tracks

By: Tylyr l, and Dawson B

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Our teacher gave us an assignment to draw a random chess piece with value. I luckily got the rook out of the box so it didn't seem hard at first. I chose to try to make movement in the background by adding various bubbles, in different shades. I think it kinda looks like the chess piece is floating in water or falling down or something. Over all i think that it turned out pretty well, but i pushed to hard on the really dark bubbles, so it turned out shiny, so i learned not to push so hard but to layer which will give a better look then the shiny effect. Well thats basically it, il post some new stuff later on this week or next week.
